“The J.K. Trust Gram Vikas Yojana, Gurgaon had given a presentation to the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, following my visit to one of their adopted villages in Madhya Pradesh on the possibilities of bringing an improvement in the cattle breed of our country and thereby increasing milk production. I have been informed, as per the material attached, that the Planning Commission has also found their work to be recommendatory.”

- Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Government of India
“The JK ILDC model was observed to be sustainable and could be considered for replication. It is providing employment to unemployed rural youth. Increasing the income of the farmers by way of increasing the productivity of their cattle and buffaloes and marketing more milk, JK ILDCs meet both the objectives, hence could be scaled up.”

- Review Report from Planning Commission, 2006
“To sum up, it could be concluded that the programme implemented during 2004-11 had given Good outcome resulting in better quality livestock in both the districts especially in Mahasamund. The initiative taken by the Livestock Development Department is in the right direction keeping in view the resources available and the JK Trust has delivered the services satisfactorily.”

- Assessment Study by NABCONS
“Implementation of CBIP has provided gainful employment to Gopals on one hand and improved accessibility of animal owners to different veterinary services on the other”